Posted 11 months ago Less than a minute to read
Three generations

From late March to early April every year we experience a run of birthdays. It has become a tradition to go out for dinner to celebrate the combined birthdays of Rory (22), Poppa (85) and Uncle Guy (48). I value the time we are all together. A week or so later we wished Caitlyn a Happy 25th birthday.
I went away for three days for work. Sean held down the fort with the assistance of Rory’s support carers. Unfortunately Mark is unavailable for the next three months so on Monday and Thursday afternoons Rory’s is receiving a variety of support care. In the past fortnight he has had his Reandron (testosterone) injection and a flu vaccination. He had a clinic appointment with a locum Endocrinologist followed by a blood test to check his hormone levels. The dosage of his medication will be altered in response. Rory also had a bone density scan. The results continue to show osteoporosis in his spine, another long-term effect of radiotherapy. Thankfully there is no change from one year ago. The imaging will be repeated in two years. The increased risk of fractures as he gets older, coupled an increased risk of falls as his balance and mobility decline, re-inforce our choice to move him into a powered mobility device.