Posted 32 days ago Less than a minute to read
Runway to Christmas
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. December is always a busy month for us with a run of birthdays in the lead up to Christmas; first Sam, then Sean, and this week Colt. It isn’t the birthdays have passed, and Council has its end of year celebration, that I can see the runway to Christmas Day. This year we will be celebrating it without our beloved Poppa for the first time.
In addition to the birthdays Colt finished his first year at Inglewood High and went away to Tongariro for a week for activities week. Rory has had a visit from the ACC Needs Assessor because his condition has to be re-assessed every two years. He had a visit from OT Coralie and the wheelchair technician to modify the WHILL to better suit his needs. There was much excitement when the Overlander was delivered. Rory has driven it around Inglewood and the 8km Kurapete-Windsor walkway. It is a lot more comfortable and he can tackle the terrain with ease. One of the challenges is the high level of concentration required. Practice will help. We are already planning to walk tracks with him this summer (where we know he has access) and undertake reconnaissance at others in the hope he will be able to traverse them.