Posted 15 months ago Less than a minute to read
Phase change

Phase change - the physical process of transition between one state of a medium and another.
I can feel the movement as phase change occurs within our family. This fortnight we attended the Year 8 Dinner Dance at Inglewood Primary with Colt and his final prizegiving, where he was nominated for the Year 8 boys award. Colt has been at IPS for eight years, the only one of our boys to complete their primary school education in one place. It is a very good school and provided stability for Colt when our lives were disrupted with Rory’s second diagnosis with cancer. Starting Inglewood high school in 2024 is a step into the unknown for Colt. It is fortunate he will have his closest friends around him. Also saying goodbye to IPS is long serving Principal Mrs Patterson. She has been at the helm of the school for all three of our boys. Her devotion, positive guidance and support for the school, Rory and our family has left its mark. Mrs Patterson is loved and will be missed by many.
This week we said ka kite to Support Carer Tash who has taken up a full time job with an agency. Tash has a big heart and cared about Rory. We trusted her with him and in our home. Tash was accommodating, supporting Rory in whatever task he was involved with. She understood the need for close health monitoring, checking with me if there were any concerns. Tash has a sense of humour and used it when Rory was Oscar the grouch or trying it on. Tash was involved in our life and Rory was involved in hers, spending time with her pets and getting to know her family. It will be a big change for Rory and us without Tash. We will miss her. Finding a high quality Support Carer who stays for a decent length of time is a challenge for all individuals and families who need support. Last weekend we interviewed potential new Support Carer Shaun. He is going to start with Rory on a casual basis and we will see how it goes. I have been completing the paper work for ACC. This fortnight Rory spent an evening with Amber, from Geneva Healthcare, who came while we were at dinner dance. He has had a session with Psychologist Daniel. OT Coralie brought us another indoor wheelchair to trial. We have put up our Christmas tree and attended a couple of Christmas functions. It will soon be quieter for Rory as many of his activities stop for the holidays.
Happy birthday to Sam and Sean who celebrated their birthdays this fortnight. We wish you good health, adventure, love and laughter for the year ahead xox