May the fourth be with you

Today is Star Wars Day, “May the Fourth be with you”.  Our boys have always been big Star Wars fans.  When Rory was receiving treatment for cancer 10 years ago he identified with the Jedi’s who fought evil for justice, peace and a better way of life.  Rory watched the films, built Star Wars lego sets, bought a blue replica light saber, had his Make a Wish delivered by Star Wars characters and a Yoda birthday cake made by Miss Hallett.  As time passed in remission the fear lessened that Rory might have to fight again.  It seems just like villains Darth Vader, Kylo Ren and Emperor Palpatine, cancer found a way to survive.  We are going to watch Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker on Disney Plus tonight to remind ourselves Jedi can fight insurmountable battles and prevail.

Rory received a platelet transfusion on Friday.  His platelets were low and the bleeding from his nose a bit too frequent.  After spending five hours in the Children’s Ward it was great to get outside for a walk in the afternoon.  We will be spending this week at home and then we will return to Auckland.  Rory for the first of the four doses of methotrexate remaining.  They will be done week on, week off until around the end of June.  We will be yo-yoing back and forth between the two regions.  We were well and truly reminded of what autumn in Taranaki can be like when we were housebound yesterday and treated to stormy weather.  In protest Colt wore his onesie all day!