Posted 14 months ago Less than a minute to read

Surviving cancer is not a one-time event. Survivorship lasts a lifetime.
I knew cancer wasn’t finished with Rory. The legacy of two types of cancer, and the treatment, is a constant in Rory’s life. Further cancer and impairments hide around the corner in his future out of sight. One stepped out in November at his annual Dermatology appointment. A suspicious mole was detected on Rory’s back (in the radiation field). A biopsy was done in December and the results came back as superficial melanoma. Rory is having surgery this week. Thankfully we caught it early. It is localised and they can remove it completely with a decent sized margin.
Co-incidentally, at about the same time, Sean discovered a suspicious mole on his chest. A biopsy was done this week and the Dermatologist is pretty confident it is melanoma. We are waiting for the results and to determine the next stage of treatment. It has been scary and overwhelming to have them both diagnosed with melanoma in the same week. My heart and mind skipped straight to the worst case scenario and I burst into tears in the office. I now have my emotions back under control. I am used to playing the cancer waiting game. I know which tools keep me strong and calm; exercise, time in the outdoors, reading a good book, being alone. Rory and Sean will both need 6-monthly skin checks into the future. If you believe things happen in 3’s big brother Sam badly dislocated his knee at football on Wednesday night. He is in a brace with crutches, awaiting a specialist appointment, MRI and likely surgery. Sam has hyper-mobile joints which are not compatible with the impact of men’s football.
In addition to the discovery of melanoma Rory has had a few choking incidents while drinking. A swallowing study will be conducted at Whanganui Hospital this week. Rory has had his 14 week Reandron (testosterone) injection and continued the Mobility scooter trials (indoor and outdoor) with OT Dianne. Rory enjoys the company of new Support Carer Shaun and they have had a few swims at the beach in the hot weather. Rory is happy to be back at NP Mens Shed with Peter and Phil, and volunteering again at The Junction and Doggy Day Care for 2024. We are waiting on the paper work (police check) for Shaun so volunteer work at the Salvation Army store can resume.
In addition to dealing with all the health issues this fortnight I have been getting Colt ready to start high school; uniform, stationary, course confirmation. In less then two weeks he will begin Year 9.
This fortnight Rory used his Santa voucher to have a hot towel shave at Jet Charm Barbers in New Plymouth. He loved the pampering and looks younger and more handsome with a smooth face.