Posted 12 months ago Less than a minute to read
Happy Birthday Rory - 22

It has been a busy, eventful, rewarding fortnight. When I went to bed last night my head was spinning. I have spent today trying to slow it to a steady rhythm. .
On 19th March we attended the world premier of the film ‘The Mountain. We walked the red carpet outside the TSB Showplace in New Plymouth. There are uncanny parallels between main character Sam who has cancer and Rory’s journey. Sam spends time in the wilderness to make peace with her diagnosis and to try and heal. Outdoor ‘therapy’ has always been a big part of Rory’s recovery.
Sean went along as parent help for Colt’s Year 9 Outdoor Education class when they climbed to the summit of Taranaki maunga. They arrived home exhausted but exuberant following an extended 11 hour tramp. Colt first summited the maunga as a 7 year old.
I spent two days away at Papamoa with the ‘Girls’, my six closest girlfriends. The Girls spend a weekend or short-break together every year. This was only the second time I have been. Time, money or kids (often Rory), or all three, have been a barrier to me most years. I enjoyed the time we spent together; walking (beach, climbing Mauao Mt Maunganui), soaking in the hot pools, eating, checking out the market and playing Cranium (hidden talents were revealed). I am lucky to have the friends I do. They are great women with big hearts, accepting of our idiosyncrasies.
Sean and the boys collected me from North Auckland and we carried on to the Far North for a week staying with friends at Coopers Beach. It was a chance to decompress and adventure together. The highlights were; a day trip to Cape Reinga, walking and swimming at Taupo Bay, fish and chips at Mangonui made from the snapper Sean and Colt caught, the visit to Auntie T and Uncle Matt’s new home on the Hihi headland, and a night with Cindy and her family on the return journey. Rory celebrated his 22nd Birthday while we were in the Far North. Thank you to Jackie for coming to the rescue with a delicious birthday cake and to Lance for the surprise special gift. Rory’s birthdays are always poignant milestones, another year of living and laughter in spite of the ongoing challenges. We are grateful for each one, aware late effects shorten Rory’s future.
Poppa Honnor celebrated his 85th birthday while we were away. We will celebrate with him this week.