Posted 3 years ago Less than a minute to read
Custom dog house

Right now I think there is a competition between wet weather, illness and medical appointments to see which can cause the most disruption in our lives. On Thursday at 4am during a wild storm lightening exploded a tree in the park 500m down the road! We saw a flash of light and heard a loud crack which shook the house. Sean has had few work days in July and I have spent more time working from home and working strange hours to fit everything in. I look forward to a little less disruption and a little more routine.
I am continually astonished at the marked difference between dealing with the Ministries of Health and Education and ACC when is comes to securing Rory the support he needs because of the significant impairments from medulloblastoma and osteosarcoma and their treatment. For years I have researched, contacted, applied and fought for everything Rory needs to participate in life. Since his ACC treatment injury was approved a raft of specialists have come to our door to work with Rory (and us) to put additional supports in place. This week Rory has had; a walking assessment with Physio Josh, the first interview for a Needs Assessment with Mandy, a house inspection with Leanne (OT) and a Builder to look at short and long term housing modifications, and a second visit with Speech and Language Therapist Sheila who wanted to observe Rory eating and discuss the challenges to his speech.
Today we picked up the impressive dog kennel Peter and Rory have built. Rory loves working with wood. He gets great enjoyment and satisfaction from creating beautiful and useful items; chopping boards, a park bench, caddies, bins and the dog kennel. A huge thank you to Phill (NP Mens Shed) and Peter for enabling Rory to experience success.