Posted 13 months ago Less than a minute to read

I didn’t understand what it was like to be a mother until I became one, and I didn’t know what it was like to be the mother of a child with impairments until Rory was diagnosed with cancer. While I have been in step with Rory for 15 years as he has battled cancer and suffered impairments I do not understand what it is like to be him. Other young adults who have faced significant health conditions understand and have an affinity with Rory. One such person is Rowena, the neighbour of Nana and Poppa Honnor. Rowena has battled with health issues for years. She expresses herself through art. We have been the lucky recipients of one of her paintings which hangs on the wall in our hall way. This week she gave Rory a second piece entitled ‘Eternal life-force’ which now hangs in our dining room. We treasure them both. Thank you Rowena. We think you are brave and inspiring.
It has been a quiet couple of weeks. Rory continues with the outdoor Mobility scooter trials with OT Dianne. We are definitely on the right track to sourcing a device which will keep Rory active in the community and with us on our adventures as much as possible. The functioning of his legs continues to deteriorate. We had a heart breaking chat at the dinner table on Friday night where I had to again remind him one day he may not be able to walk, and there is nothing we can do which will reverse the condition. Rory had the stitches taken out from the melanoma surgery on his back. He has a decent scar.
Sean, Colt and I have been lucky enough to slip away twice for a couple of short tramping trips; Patuha trig on the top of the Kaitake Range and Matapeka Falls in North Taranaki where the boys snuck behind the waterfall and caught eels from the pool at the bottom.