Rory Gardiner is the middle son of Leigh Honnor and Sean Gardiner. Rory is 22 years old, little brother to Sam who is 25 and big brother to Colt who is 14. Rory finished Year 13 at Inglewood High School in Taranaki in 2021.
In March 2009 Rory (age 6) was diagnosed with cancer. Shockingly two Medulloblastoma brain tumours were detected via MRI scan. Rory endured seven operations, 31 sessions of high dose radiotherapy and four cycles of high dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue. He completed treatment in December 2009 and has been in remission since January 2010.
Rory's family received the devastating news in September 2019 that Rory had secondary cancer, Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma, in his jaw. He was aged 17. In 2019/2020 Rory fought cancer for the second time in his short life. He endured nine months of treatment including chemotherapy and an operation in January 2020 to remove a large tumor from his lower jaw and reconstruct the left hand side of his face. Rory finished treatment in June 2020 and has been in remission for almost 4 years. This site has been set up to share Rory's journey